cover image Not In The Club: An Executive Woman's Journey Through the Biased World of Business

Not In The Club: An Executive Woman's Journey Through the Biased World of Business

Janet Pucino. Deep Canyon Media (, $24.99 (175p) ISBN 978-0-98590-270-4

Former information technology executive Pucino examines the "clubby" workplace from a woman's first-person perspective. This dangerous form of group-think fosters bullying and shuts out women%E2%80%94and many men%E2%80%94from key workplace decision-making. Unfortunately, as Pucino points out, it's also condoned by top executives, fosters double standards for women, and will "continue to thrive" unless women are willing to speak out. She offers a number of suggestions to help women identify how pervasive the club culture might be in a company: consider the diversity of the board, employee turnover rate, and the role innovation plays%E2%80%94all helpful suggestions in theory but difficult to execute. Most puzzling is why Pucino, a successful executive and "sponsor of a women's affinity group", fails to include specific examples or call out companies by name. The book would be of greater value if Pucino used opinions other than her own, as the gender disparities in corporate culture are welldocumented elsewhere. As a means of breaking down structural barriers, tossing out pithy suggestions such as "women need to bolster their confidence" as a way to eliminate "The Club" just isn't very helpful. (Apr.)